IDF 66: 1971 - Fermented milks - Count of microbial contaminants
This standard has been withdrawn and replaced by the joint standard ISO 13559 | IDF 153: 2002
IDF 64: 1971 - Dried milk and dried whey - Count of coliforms
Previously superseded by the IDF Standard 073B, now replaced by horizontal standards ISO 4831: 20...
IDF 61: 1971 - Ice cream and milk ices - Colony count
Previously superseded by the IDF Standard 100B which is now replaced by ISO 4833-1: 2013 and ISO ...
IDF 56B: 1978 - Milking machine installations - Vocabulary
This standard has been withdrawn and replaced by a TC23 ISO Standard
IDF 31: 1964 - Count of yeasts and moulds in butter
This standard has been withdrawn and replaced by the joint Standard ISO 6611 I IDF 94: 2004
IDF 53: 1969 - Determination of the phosphatase activity in pasteurized stabilized cheese
This standard has been withdrawn and replaced by the joint Standard ISO 11816-2 I IDF 155-2: 2016
IDF 49: 1970 - Colony count of dried milk and whey powder
Previously superseded by the IDF Standard 100B which is now replaced by the horizontal standards ...
IDF 48: 1969 - Control methods for sterilized milk
The members of our Federation (National Committees) decided to withdraw this standard by a questi...
IDF 47: 1969 - Compositional standard for fermented milk
Previously superseded by the IDF Standard 163, now replaced by a codex Standard