IDF 92: 1979 - Caseins and caseinates - Determination of protein content (Reference method)
This standard has been withdrawn and replaced by the joint standard ISO 8968-1 | IDF 20-1: 2014
IDF 95A: 1984 - Dried milk - Determination of nitrate and nitrite contents
This standard has been withdrawn and replaced by the joint standard ISO 14673-1 | IDF189-1: 2004
IDF 96A: 1987 - Whey cheese - Determination of nitrate & nitrite contents
This standard has been withdrawn and replaced by the joint standard ISO 14673-1 | IDF189-1: 2004
IDF 97A: 1984 - Whey powder - Determination of nitrate & nitrite contents
This standard has been Withdrawn and replaced by the joint standard ISO 14673-1 | IDF189-1: 2004
IDF 98A: 1985 - Milk - Determination of protein content
Amido Black dye-binding method (routine method) This standard was withdrawn in 2010 because it wa...
IDF 100B: 1991 - Milk and milk products - Enumeration of microorganisms
This standard has been withdrawn and replaced by horizontal standards ISO 4833-1: 2013 and ISO 48...
IDF 109: 1982 - Dried milk, dried whey & latose - Enumeration of microorganisms
Previously superseded by the standard IDF 100B which is now replaced by ISO 4833-1: 2013 and ISO ...
IDF 158: 1992 - Guidelines for the preparation and use of export certificates for milk and milk p...
This standard has been withdrawn and replaced by a Codex Standard.
IDF 102A: 1989 - Dried milk - Guideline for the detection of neutralizers
Description/principle: relationship lactic acid/lactates content and titratable acidity This stan...