Issue 8: IDF Dairy Sustainability Outlook – Dairy Processing
The IDF Dairy Sustainability Outlook highlights the global dairy sector's initiatives contributin...
ISO 29981 | IDF 220: 2024 - Milk products — Enumeration of bifidobacteria — Colony-count technique
This document specifies a method for the selective enumeration of bifidobacteria in milk products...
Bulletin of the IDF N°531/2024 - The state of milk and milk products in school programmes around ...
Milk and milk products have been a staple in schools for many years, often featured as part of de...
Bulletin of the IDF N°341/1999 - "Milk Support Systems & WTO II"
Papers presented at the Commission C Meeting Conference, "Milk Support Systems & WTO II" at t...
Factsheet of the IDF N° 40/2024: Developing Evidence-Based, Food-Based Dietary Guidelines: Critic...
The purpose of this factsheet is to provide context and rationale for addressing the evolving rec...
Factsheet of the IDF N° 37/2024: Benefits of processing in dairy
Dairy processing is pivotal in converting raw milk into a diverse range of high-quality and safe ...
Factsheet of the IDF N° 35/2023: Dairy matrix: The case of yoghurt
Nowadays, nutrition research focuses on the holistic impact of whole foods on health. This entail...
Factsheet of the IDF N° 31/2023: School meal programmes the role of dairy: an essential contribut...
School meal programmes play an important role as a public health solution for nutritional adequac...
Issue 7: IDF Dairy Sustainability Outlook - FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Livestock Transf...
Issue 7: IDF Dairy Sustainability Outlook - FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Livestock Transf...