Factsheet of the IDF N° 35/2023: Dairy matrix: The case of yoghurt
Nowadays, nutrition research focuses on the holistic impact of whole foods on health. This entail...
Factsheet of the IDF N° 33/2023: Dairy matrix: The case of milk
Nowadays, nutrition research focuses on the holistic impact of whole foods on health. This entail...
Factsheet of the IDF N° 34/2023: Dairy matrix: The case of cheese
Nowadays, nutrition research focuses on the holistic impact of whole foods on health. This entail...
Factsheet of the IDF 32/2023: Executive Summary of IDF Country Update – December 2023
Members of the IDF Standing Committee on Dairy Policy and Economics and the Standing Committee on...
Factsheet of the IDF N° 31/2023: School meal programmes the role of dairy: an essential contribut...
School meal programmes play an important role as a public health solution for nutritional adequac...
The IDF Milking Technologies Symposium 2023 - Watch again on Demand
Session 1: Milking machine technology: design, efficiency and testing This session will delve in...
Factsheet of the IDF N° 30/2023: Standardized methods for the determination of alkaline phosphata...
The determination of the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity is used to verify the process of con...
IDF Animal Health Report N° 17
In this edition of the IDF Animal Health Report, dedicated to the science and practice of young s...
Issue 1: IDF Women in Dairy Report 2023 - Unlocking Endless Potential
This report is a testimony of existing practices around the world to empower women in the dairy s...