Bulletin of the IDF N° 463/2013: Proceedings of The Nutrition & Health Conference, IDF World ...
This publication contains six presentations and one poster presented at the Nutrition and Health ...
Dairy foods - helping to nourish the world
Addressing questions such as ‘are people meeting their nutritional needs?’ and ‘can you have a nu...
Nutrient-rich dairy foods & you
This factsheet provides further information on how dairy products can provide a package of nutrie...
Dairy & hypertension
Hypertension, otherwise known as high blood pressure, affects millions of people around the world...
Osteoporosis is an illness of the skeleton associated with a diminution of the density of the bon...
Lipids/saturated fats and cardiovascular diseases
The French diet is higher in fat, particularly saturated fats, than the diet of most of its Europ...
Dairy & weight
Trying to lose weight ? Research has shown that you will have more likelihood of success with an ...
Dairy & lactose intolerance
Contrary to the common notion that people who are sensitive to lactose must avoid milk and milk p...
Dairy & heart disease
Dietary recommendations advise a general reduction in fat intake and in particular a reduction in...