IDF Factsheet 5/ 2019 Is there real evidence for a link between milk and mortality?
A growing evidence base supports an inverse relationship between intake of milk and other dairy f...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 498/2019: The IDF Guide to Good Animal Welfare in Dairy Production 2.0
This guide provides recommendations on stockmanship, feed and water, physical environment, husban...
IDF Factsheet 3/ 2019 Matrix: The importance of the dairy (food) matrix in the evaluation of the ...
It is increasingly recognized that the effects of milk and dairy foods on health extend beyond th...
IDF Factsheet 2/ 2019 Ethyl Vanillin: Artificial flavours in feed - Possible transfer of ethyl va...
Why are feed flavours used in animal production?
IDF Factsheet 1/ 2019 WGS: Whole Genome Sequencing
Recent advances in rapid, high throughput DNA sequencing have revolutionised the study of biology...
IDF Factsheet 4/2018: Executive Summary of IDF Country Reports - October 2018
Members of the IDF Standing Committee on Dairy Policies and Economics and the IDF Standing Comm...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 496/2019: The technology of pasteurisation and its effect on the microbiol...
Pasteurisation of milk involves heating the milk to at least 72°C for 15 s or to 63°C for 30 min....
Issue 1: Dairy Sustainability Outlook
The 2018 IDF Dairy Sustainability Outlook provides a viewpoint on sustainable development of rele...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 495/ 2018: Inventory of microbial food cultures with safety demonstration ...
Since 2002, the International Dairy Federation (IDF), in collaboration with the European Food and...