Bulletin of the IDF N° 472/2014: Posters presented at the IDF World Dairy Summit 2013
This Bulletin contains fifteen posters presented during the IDF World Dairy Summit in Yokohama, J...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 474/ 2014: Detecting antibiotic residues in milk - Guidance on the applica...
Checking compliance with regulations is the main reason for testing. Examples of different regula...
Special Issue 1401 - The importance of salt in the manufacture & ripening of cheese
Examples are presented not only of the effects of salt on spoilage bacteria and pathogens in chee...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 475/ 2014: Proceedings of the 4th Paratuberculosis Forum - Parma, Italy, 2...
This publication contains seventeen papers written by representatives of national and regional Jo...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 477/2014: Determination of hen’s egg white lysozyme in milk and cheese - I...
The method is suitable for measuring low levels of hen's egg white lysozyme with a quantification...
The role of dairy in optimal and under nutrition - the first 1000 days
The critical window for adequate child growth and cognitive development is between conception and...
Questions on trans & CLA of dairy products
What are trans fatty acids? Are there many of them? Why distinguish them from other fatty acids? ...
IDF 181: 1998 - Dried milk products - Enumeration of bacillus cereus
This standard has been withdrawn and replaced by the horizontal Standard ISO 21871: 2006
Country Reports April 2013
Members of the IDF Standing Committee on Dairy Policies and Economics (SC DPE) from 17 countries ...