Showing 1-7
of 7 results
IDF Factsheet 20/ 2021: IDF Reproductive Technology: Embryo Transfer
Since the domestication of cattle for milk and meat purposes more than 6,000 years ago, farmers h...
IDF Factsheet 19/ 2021: IDF Reproductive Technology: Artificial Insemination
Since the domestication of cattle for milk and meat purpose, over 6,000 years ago, farmers have u...
IDF Factsheet 14/ 2020: IDF Reproductive Technology: Reproductive Hormones
Since the domestication of cattle for milk and meat purposes over 6,000 years ago, farmers have u...
IDF Factsheet 12/ 2020: IDF Reproductive Technology: Genomic Selection
Since the domestication of cattle for milk and meat purposes more than 6,000 years ago, farmers h...
Mycobacterium Avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis (MAP)
Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is a bacterium which causes Johne’s disease, also...
Control and Detection of Antimicrobial Residues in Milk
Antimicrobials are used in veterinary medicine to treat infectious diseases in animals caused or ...
Antimicrobial Resistance - IDF Factsheet
The emergence of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria has had profound effects on the management ...