IDF Factsheet 11/ 2020: Dairy’s role in supporting a healthy immune system
While no foods or dietary supplements can prevent COVID-19 infection, evidence shows that a healt...
Nutrition Profiling Models: To support the role of foods in healthy dietary patterns
The overarching objective of any nutrient profiling model (NPM) informing a front-of-pack nutriti...
Front of Pack Nutrition Labelling - Delivering meaningful public health outcomes
The overarching objective of Front of Pack Nutrition Labelling (FOPNL) should be to deliver accur...
All Standards 2020
This subscription gives you the right to receive and access permanently all Joint ISO/IDF Standar...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 505/2020: The contribution of school milk programmes to the nutrition of c...
School milk programmes are common in many countries around the world, for good reason. The benefi...
Dairy’s role in healthy and sustainable diets
IDF has taken note of the FAO/WHO sustainable healthy diets guiding principlesi, based on the pro...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 504/2020: New applications of MIR spectrometry: Quality assurance practice...
Traditionally applied for quantitative determination of major components of milk, MIR Filter appa...
Linking Food Processing to Health Outcomes: A Simplistic and Dangerous Approach
IDF is concerned by the efforts of some policymakers to provide dietary guidance by ranking foods...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 503/2020: Global Marketing Trends, Understanding changes in dairy consumpt...
Based on responses received to a global survey, this IDF Bulletin shares key challenges currently...