IDF Factsheet 3/2018: Trans fatty acids (TFA) to be differentiated into industrially produced TFA...
Trans fatty acids (TFA) are a specific type of unsaturated fatty acids
IDF Factsheet 2/2018: Country Report Spring 2018
Members of the IDF Standing Committee on Dairy Policies and Economics (SC DPE) from 13 countries ...
IDF Factsheet 1/2018: Heat treatment
Heat treatment is the most widely used processing technology in the dairy industry. Its main purp...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 491/ 2018: Teat-cup and cluster removal strategies for cattle and small ru...
Since the 1990s, when the technology was first introduced to Europe, automatic milking systems AM...
ISO 9233-2 I IDF 140-2: 2018 - Cheese, cheese rind and processed cheese - Determination of natamy...
This document specifies a method for the determination of natamycin mass fraction in cheese, chee...
ISO 9233-1 I IDF 140-1: 2018 - Cheese, Cheese rind and processed cheese - Determination of natamy...
This document specifies a method for the determination in cheese rind of natamycin mass fraction ...
ISO 19662 I IDF 238: 2018 - Milk - Determination of fat content - Acido-butyrometric (Gerber method)
This document specifies a method, the acido-butyrometric or “Gerber”, for determining the fat con...
ISO 19660 I IDF 237: 2018 - Cream - Determination of fat content - Acido-butyrometric method
This document specifies an acidobutyrometric method for determining the fat content of cream. The...
IDF Factsheet 6/2017: Country Reports October 2017
Members of the IDF Standing Committee on Dairy Policies and Economics (SC DPE) and the Standing C...