ISO 2446 | IDF 226: 2008 - Milk - Determination of fat content
This standard specifies a routine method (the Gerber method) for the determination of the fat con...
ISO 3433 | IDF 222: 2008 - Cheese - Determination of fat content - Van Gulik method
This standard specifies the Van Gulik method for the determination of the fat content, as a mass ...
ISO 1736 | IDF 9: 2008 - Dried milk and dried milk products - Determination of fat content - Grav...
This standard specifies the reference method for the determination of the fat content of dried mi...
ISO 3432 | IDF 221: 2008 - Cheese - Determination of fat content - Butyrometer for Van Gulik method
This standard specifies the characteristics of a butyrometer (including stoppers) for the determi...
ISO 13366-2 | IDF 148-2: 2006 - Milk - Enumeration of somatic cells - Part 2: Guidance on the ope...
This standard gives guidance on the operating conditions for counting somatic cells, in both raw ...
ISO 20541 | IDF 197: 2008 - Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrate content - Method by...
This standard specifies a method for the determination of the nitrate content of milk and milk pr...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 430/ 2008: Hygiene and Food Safety of Dairy products and Food Standards fo...
Proceedings of the Conference on Hygiene and Food Safety of Dairy Products and Food Standards for...
Dairy & lactose intolerance
Contrary to the common notion that people who are sensitive to lactose must avoid milk and milk p...
Dairy & heart disease
Dietary recommendations advise a general reduction in fat intake and in particular a reduction in...