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  • Bulletin of the IDF N° 28/1965 - Problems of dairy science education - The possible promotion of milk consumption in warm countries by the use of sterilized milk - New forms of concentrated milks - FIL - IDF
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Bulletin of the IDF N° 28/1965 - Problems of dairy science education - The possible promotion of milk consumption in warm countries by the use of sterilized milk - New forms of concentrated milks

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Document info

pages 29
published date 01 September 1965
reference Bulletin of the IDF No. 028/1965

Publication description

Problems of dairy science education

By Dr G. Hoppe & Prof. Dr F. Kiermeier, Fed. Germany

The problems considered are mainly those in relation with the inclusion of biological courses in dairy training, of dairy technology in food technology training and of dairy education in agricultural faculties.

The possible promotion of milk consumption in warm countries by the use of sterilized milk

By Dr P. Rosenfeld, Israel

This is a summary of a report by the author. When adopting this report for publication in 1964 the relevant IDF Commission stated that, pending the 'solution of a few outstanding problems, sterilized milk "will certainly be an excellent means of developing the consumption of milk in the warm countries".

New forms of concentrated milks

By Prof. E.L. Crossley, U.K.

A short summary of a paper by the author. "Fresh concentrate" (concentrated pasteurized milk) is reported to be of commercial importance, compared to other products (sterilized concentrate, frozen concentrate).


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