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  • Bulletin of the IDF N° 5/1961 - General report on the IDF Seminar in Bern (Switzerland) - 20 to 24 September 1960 on: "The keeping quality of milk" - FIL - IDF
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Bulletin of the IDF N° 5/1961 - General report on the IDF Seminar in Bern (Switzerland) - 20 to 24 September 1960 on: "The keeping quality of milk"

Document info

pages 28
published date 24 March 1961
reference Bulletin of the IDF No. 005/1961

Publication description

Four main aspects are reviewed: factors affecting the quality of milk at the farm increase in number of microorganisms during transport - influence of milk treatment at the dairy - factors affecting the keeping quality of milk during delivery to consumers.

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