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  • Bulletin of the IDF N° 499/ 2019: Guidance on the Practical Application of IDF | ISO Standard on the Determination of Milkfat Purity - FIL-IDF
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Bulletin of the IDF N° 499/ 2019: Guidance on the Practical Application of IDF | ISO Standard on the Determination of Milkfat Purity

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Document info

pages 43
published date 21 August 2019
reference Bulletin of the IDF No. 499/ 2019

Publication description

Guidance on the Practical Application of IDF/ISO Standard on the Determination of Milkfat Purity

By Dr. Joachim Molkentin, Pierre-Alain Golay, Dr. Giovanna Contarini, Richard Johnson, Dr. Alastair MacGibbon


This Bulletin provides guidance on the practical application of the International Standard ISO 17678|IDF 202 Milk and Milk Products – Determination of the milkfat purity by gas chromatography. The dairy industry is often required to prove the authenticity of its product against potential adulteration with vegetable oils or other animal fats. The method described here is designed to accommodate regional, seasonal and feed variations in authentic milkfat composition. By providing the background and guidance to the method and interpretation of the results the standard might be understood and used by a wider audience. It is hoped that this is of assistance to those who desire to set up the method and to those who need an understanding of the interpretation of the results which the method produces.

Keywords: milkfat, milkfat purity, adulteration, triglycerides, triacylglycerols, dairy products.

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