Bulletin of the IDF N°531/2024 - The state of milk and milk products in school programmes around ...
Milk and milk products have been a staple in schools for many years, often featured as part of de...
ISO 7102 | IDF 257: 2024 — Infant formula — Determination of β-galactooligosaccharides — Ultra hi...
This document specifies a method for the determination of β-galactooligosaccharides (GOS) in infa...
Bulletin of the IDF N°530/2024: Multi-laboratory study and interlaboratory study on the enumerati...
This bulletin of the IDF presents the report of the precision data obtained from the multi-labora...
Bulletin of the IDF N°529/2024: Control of Chlorine and Hypochlorite Residues in the Dairy Chain
Chlorine-based products are widely used in both dairy farming and dairy processing as effective e...
Bulletin of the IDF N°528/2024 - Sodium Chloride Determination in Cheese
The salting of cheese is a very important step in cheese manufacture, particularly impacting the ...
Factsheet of the IDF N° 40/2024: Developing Evidence-Based, Food-Based Dietary Guidelines: Critic...
The purpose of this factsheet is to provide context and rationale for addressing the evolving rec...
Factsheet of the IDF N° 39/2024: Management of calves from birth to weaning: Milk feeding of calv...
This IDF Calf Management Factsheet (one in a series of IDF factsheets addressing novel approaches...
Factsheet of the IDF N° 38/2024: Management of calves from birth to weaning: Rearing of calves by...
This IDF Calf Management Factsheet (one in a series of IDF factsheets addressing novel approaches...