Showing 1-5
of 5 results
IDF 37: 1966 - Determination of soluble & insoluble volatile fatty acid values of milkfat
This Standard was withdrawn because outdated
IDF 38: 1966 - Detection of vegetable fat in milkfat by thin layerchromatography of steryl acetates
The members of our Federation (National Committees) decided to withdraw this standard via a quest...
IDF 39: 1966 - Standard routine method for the count of coliform bacteria in raw milk
Previously superseded by the IDF Standard 73B, now replaced by the standards ISO 4831: 2006 and 4...
IDF 40: 1966 - Standard routine method for the count of coliform bacteria in pasteurized milk
Previously superseded by the IDF Standard 73B, now replaced by the horizontal standards ISO 4831:...