Bulletin of the IDF N° 179/1984 - Fermented milks
By various authors These proceedings of an IDF Seminar in Avignon (France), 14-16 May 1984, revie...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 176/1984 - Computerized bulk milk collection systems
By various authors Proceedings of an IDF Workshop held in Toronto (Canada), on September 20-21, 1...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 183/1984 - Progeny testing methods in dairy cattle
These proceedings of an IDF/EAAP Symposium held in Prague (Czechoslovakia), 14-16 September 1984,...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 178/1984 - General Code of hygienic practice for the dairy industry & ...
This is a new extended version of the Bulletin of the IDF N° 123/1980. Out of Print
Bulletin of the IDF N° 155/1983 - International study of dairy cooperatives - country case studies
By Mr J.D. Empson The author of this study collected information in 1981/1982 on the development ...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 144/1982 - Consumption statistics for milk and milk products 1980 includin...
By a Group of Experts Statistics from 34 countries of consumption, overall & per caput, retai...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 133/1981 - New monograph on UHT milk
The first monograph of this type was published by I DF in 1972 and was a best seller. The new mon...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 124/1980 - Guide for dairy managers on wastage prevention in dairy plants
By IDF General Secretariat This reports sums up the general source of wastage of milk, milk produ...
Bulletin of the IDF N° 128/1980 - Code of practice for the design and construction of milk collec...
A document produced by Mr C.H. Lawrence, Head of the Bulk Collection Technical Dept of the MMB in...