Bulletin of the IDF N° 302/1995 - The significance of potentially pathogenic species of sporeformers, other than Bacilluscereus, in milk and milk products
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pages | 64 |
published date | 24 March 1995 |
reference | Scanned copy |
Publication description
The significance of potentially pathogenic species of sporeformers, other than Bacilluscereus, in milk and milk products
A progress report of IDF Group A19
A short summary is given with regard to the present state of knowledge concerning the significance of the sporeformers Bacillus spp. and Clostridium butyricum in relation to human health. The pathogenic properties of B. licheniformis, B. subtilis, B. pumilis and B. brevis and their occurrence in milk products are described, along with two types of human diseases where C. butyricum may be involved and the occurrence of this organism in milk and milk products.
9 pp
An example of HACCP application in an existing pasteurized milk plant, following the Codex Alimentarius model
by J.H. Dijkers, Th. Huurnink, P.P.L. Pennings & M.G. van den Berg (the Netherlands)
Application of the Hazard Analytical Critical Control Point (HACCP) system at Campina Melkunie NL for the manufacture of pasteurized packaged milk is described, the focus being on health hazards only. Flow diagrams for the manufacture of pasteurized milk and cleaning and disinfection, along with explanatory notes, are provided.
23 pp
IDF Recommendations for the hygienic storage, transport and distribution of milk and milk based products
by IDF Group of Experts D14/44 – Assurance of hygiene and microbiological criteria for milk and milk products)
The recommendations given in this document cover the conditions to be followed during storage, transport and distribution of milk and milk based products, prepacked or not, after processing, up to the sale to the ultimate consumer, in order to maintain their hygienic quality. These recommendations focus on aspects adversely affecting the integrity of packaging and temperature monitoring during storage, transport and distribution and causing deterioration, up to the sale to the ultimate consumer. The milk products should be protected against all contamination and atmospheric influences liable to cause deterioration, having regard for the duration and conditions of storage, transport and distribution.
5 pp
Biofilms: implications for hygiene monitoring of dairy plant surfaces – Report of Subject F44
A.C.L. Wong (USA) & O. Cerf (France)
The accuracy and reproducibility of methods available for sampling biofilms are investigated with a view to providing a basis for future improvements and standardization of a method.
5 pp
Summaries of the papers presented during the Seminar on Matters of Hygiene in Dairying Held on 25 April 1995 in Brussels during the IDF Hygiene Week
by various authors
Various papers concerned with matters of hygiene in dairying were presented at the Seminar. The summaries presented here include: Risk analysis - impact on the work of IDF; Biofilms - implications for hygiene and quality in the dairy industry; Raw milk and raw milk products; Escherichia coli 0157:h7 - an emerging pathogen ?; Pathogenicity testing of unknown mesophilic heat resistant bacilli from UHT-milk; Pathogenic microorganisms in raw milk - present situation and significance - Summary; Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE): the current situation and milk hygiene; Highly heat-resistant spores in UHT-milk.
11 pp
Information from the First Session of the Codex Committee on Milk and Milk Products
by A. Oterholm (Norway) & E. Hopkin (IDF)
This report, formed to be of interest to non-specialists, was prepared by IDF’s observers at the first session of the Codex Committee on Milk and Milk Products. The committee met with a programme of work to adopt international compositional standards for milk products to the needs of world trade following the GATT Uruguay Round Agreements. A brief summary is given of matters of special interest to IDF.
3 pp